Hope Blooms: Surviving Miscarriage Together
We are here to love, support, and dignify the women and families who have suffered early pregnancy loss. Through story-telling and educational interviews the Hope Blooms podcast helps us build a community so that no one suffers miscarriage alone.
Hope Blooms is a production of the Early Pregnancy Loss Association.
63 episodes
Miscarriage Resources: Lunch and Learn
EPLA hosted a lunch and learn at Hillsdale Hospital featuring Angie Winton of Metro Detroit Share. We hosted this event with the hope to help medical providers prepare women for home miscarriages. After the event Angie and Maria sat down to tal...

Miscarriage Resources: Processing Our Grief in Community
Often women and families who have suffered early pregnancy loss do not have the opportunity to honor their children through a public funeral service. But what is lost when we don't have a way to communally process our grief? Rev. A...

Miscarriage Perspectives: The Burial Problem
In this week's episode writer, wife, and mother, Nadya Williams, shares her stories of loss and the burial of her two sons on their private property. Years later a move across state lines and a significant shift in the law changes everyth...

Miscarriage Resources: Haven Miscarriage Clinic
Maria talks with Hayley Trotter, Director of Clinical Operations for Haven Miscarriage Clinic, a medical clinic designed specifically to serve miscarrying women that hopes to open next year in the Atlanta area. Maria and Hayley discuss the impo...

From the Archives: Handling Death: A Brief History of Grieving Rituals and Human Mourning.
Women suffering early pregnancy loss are often unable to bury their babies, especially in cemeteries. This can be for many reasons sometimes they are unable to collect the body, the body was needed for testing, or they do not have the resources...

Miscarriage Myth Busting
Miscarriage myths have always been out there. In this episode Emily and Maria tackle some current myths and misconceptions. Taking from this great article from

Infant Death in Puritan New England, The Poetry of Anne Bradstreet - From the Archives
Anne Bradstreet weathered the harsh New England Winters and the hard life of starting a society in the new world. America's first poet, Bradstreet chronicles the joy and pain of her life experience. While she never lost any of her ...

What is a Miscarriage Anyway?
While miscarriage is common it is often misunderstood. This is your primer for all of the basic definitions, medical jargon, and common phrases surrounding early pregnancy loss.Missed miscarriage? Spontaneous abortion? Dilation and Cure...

Book Review: I'll Love You Forever
"I'll love you foreverI'll like you for always..." These words ring in our ears as we have likely heard them many times before. Robert Munsch's book has made its way into our hearts and minds. Many of us heard the book as child...

Miscarriage Care Kits: The Cost of Services
A miscarriage is a significant physical and emotional event for a woman and her family. Often under prepared and under informed women experience miscarriages without the right supplies or information. EPLA is committed to distributin...

Resource Spotlight: Missing Pieces Support Group
This week we sit down with Jamilah Robinson, the co-founder and Executive Director of Missing Pieces Support Group in Houston, Texas. EPLA is excited to highlight this organization as our missions are quite alike! It is the mission...

What's in the Miscarriage Care Kits?
In this episode we briefly summarize what's in both sizes of our Miscarriage Care Kits (small for after a loss is completed or post-D&C or large for an expectant or at-home miscarriage). If you or someone you know would like a kit, please v...

Miscarriage Stories: Abby Strehle
Early Pregnancy Loss Association's treasurer, Abby Strehle, tells the story of her miscarriage, which was also her first pregnancy, and how she was an EPLA "success story," as she was connected to our organization and provided with a Miscarriag...

Miscarriage Stories: Haley Naida (From the Archives
Only a few weeks into her first pregnancy, Haley Naida was surprised to discover she was experiencing a Missed Miscarriage. The following days, weeks, months, and years brought grief and confusion as she and her husband muddled through the spir...

Bereaved Mother's Day
As we approach Mother's Day many mothers are left grieving the children they never knew. Miscarriage not only robs us of our child's life, but sometimes it feels like it can rob us of our motherhood. You are a mother. Your motherho...

Remembering Baby Ten Years Later
Ten years ago our co-host, Emily, discovered that her first child, affectionately known as Baby, no longer had a heartbeat. It was the end of April and she and her husband were looking forward to a new house, new job, and new baby, only to be t...

A World Where No One Suffers Miscarriage Alone
Emily and Steph talk about a world where no one suffers miscarriage alone. What does that look like? How do we help women and families? What can we do to make this world a reality?

What Can I Do Now?
After suffering and recovering from miscarriage many women and families experience an urge to help others. In this episode Emily and Steph talk about ways to help your community, ways to help EPLA, and ways to meet the needs of other women and ...

Miscarriage Reflections: Sitting with the Grieving
Grieving is hard and when our friends are grieving we often want to fix it. But does that really work? So if we can't fix grief, how do we help women as they walk through miscarriage? We personally loved this little vi...

Miscarriage Grief in the New Year: Moving Forward Does Not Have to Mean Moving On
The holiday season is over and 2024 is now on a roll. Christmas trees have been cleaned up and the family rooms reset to their "normal" arrangement. But what if life doesn't feel normal yet? What if you aren't ready for it to feel normal. <...

Miscarriage Burdens: Medical Bill Relief
The emotional, spiritual, and physical burden of miscarriage are painful enough. Then, often as women are starting to feel a little better the bills start coming. Medical expenses can start to add up quickly. Depending on the her p...

Miscarriage Stories: Stephanie Gordon
Steph Gordon joins us to share her story of loss. From the moments she started bleeding, to taking misoprostal, and the days and weeks afterwards, the memories remain clear for Steph even though her loss happened over a decade ago.

A Blue Christmas: Dealing with Miscarriage Grief at Christmas
Grief can sneak up on us during what we might have always known as the happiest time of the year. Emily and Maria remember their first Christmases after loss. Emily felt deep sadness missing her baby, Maria suffered missing her bab...

Infant Death in Puritan New England, The Poetry of Anne Bradstreet
Anne Bradstreet weathered the harsh New England Winters and the hard life of starting a society in the new world. America's first poet, Bradstreet chronicles the joy and pain of her life experience. While she never lost any of her ...